Head Title

Optimizing Head Digitization for MEG/EEG Source Imaging: Best Practice Guidelines and Expanded Applications

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This masterclass is presented by Amit Jaiswal, MEG application Scientist at MEGIN. The webinar will discuss, In MEG and EEG source imaging, digitization is a crucial step when aiming for the best spatial accuracy of source imaging. Generally, an electromagnetic digitizer is used during the subject preparation stage for digitizing the fiducial landmarks, head position indication coils, EEG electrodes, and head shape. However, the digitization may occasionally suffer from ambient electromagnetic interference, which deteriorates the digitization accuracy and may further impact the source imaging results. In this masterclass, we will discuss the best practice guidelines for head digitization in MEG and EEG studies. We will suggest how to make an optimal digitization setup for ensuring the digitization results with millimeter-level accuracy. Additionally, we will present how to utilize digitization data beyond MEG/EEG-MRI co-registration in generating a subject-specific MRI template (pseudo-MRI). Such a model is useful in several MEG/EEG research and clinical studies where sub-centimeter spatial accuracy is not mandatory or when the subject’s MRI is unavailable. (Recommended pre-reading: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-30223-9)”


A joining link to watch the MEGIN Masterclass will then be emailed to you shortly after registration. 

*MEGIN does not endorse any applications or treatments mentioned at this event. TRIUX™ neo is intended to non-invasively locate regions of epileptic activity within the brain and, in conjunction with other diagnostic data, in neurosurgical planning. All other applications are research in nature.