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"This Masterclass is presented by Alex Wieman, postdoctoral fellow at the Montreal Neurological Institute. The webinar will discuss, Neurodegenerative disorders affect neurophysiological signalling, with implications for cognitive and motor abilities. While previous MEG research in patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease has suggested robust pathophysiological markers of disease status, the proteinopathic and neurochemical changes that shape these alterations in brain activity are not well understood. In this Masterclass, I will discuss our recent research linking MEG measures of cortical neurophysiology with PET- and MRI-derived measures of proteinopathy, neurotransmitter systems, and deep-brain nucleus integrity to understand the neurochemical bases of cortical pathophysiology in neurodegenerative disorders of aging. This work suggests that MEG represents a sensitive and repeatable tool for tracking clinically- and pathologically-relevant brain dynamics in patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease."
Biography: Alex Wiesman is a CIHR Banting and NIH F32 postdoctoral fellow at the Montreal Neurological Institute, where he uses multimodal neuroimaging to study the proteinopathic and neurochemical bases of brain activity changes in patients with neurodegenerative disorders. His recent research has demonstrated a spatially-resolved shift of cortical rhythms towards slower patterns of signaling, which tracks the accumulation of proteinopathy and hallmark clinical outcomes in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Alex has published more than 70 peer-reviewed papers in leading journals using MEG.
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